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创业者应该拥有的9个经验。 Entrepreneurs should have the experience of nine

  Written by  on 2008, August 25, 4:47 AM. 创业励志 Venture Endeavourers
08月 24, 2008 –  by 慕容达意
创业者往往都不清楚,自己是谁—-你想干什么?你适合干什么?你有什么资源?创业者创 业之前一定要清楚你自己所有的,与你追求的创业目标之前还存在多少鸿沟?还有多少难点?在为咨询者提出一些创业咨询意见的过程中,我们碰到了很多创业者, 或是一个网页制作师,或是一个刚刚毕业的文员,或是一家里有钱,想干大事的失业者。他们在没有了解自己实际情况下,因为一个创意,朋友的一点建议,甚至是 一时的冲动,就发誓要创业成为XXX(一般都是超级创业成功者)。所以我们建议准备创业的朋友一定要先了解到你是谁。
一写出这个话题,可能有人认为是我在这里矫情:创业者怎么可能不清楚创业是什么呢?哈,我想要说的,是我们很多创业的朋友都是凭一时的冲动,一个很 好的点子,或是有一笔资金就开始不顾一切的走上创业之路。创业是什么?它是一项目系统工程,当老板你得考虑到人、财、物、进、销、存、竞争、市场细分、定 位、管理体系、财务控制、退出机制、预算等一系列的事情,在创业初期,也许连你在在选址上的一个错误,就可让你注定成为一个失败的老板,让你注定亏损上几 百万。这里我并非有意强调创业的难度,我只是想告诉创业的朋友,创业是有风险的,是需要你理性面对的,是需要团队精神帮助你的。
B、要有明确的经营范围与核心竞争力。这也就是说的一个定位的问题,你的企业是干嘛的,你的企业与同类竞争者相比,有什么很核心的,别人无法做到的 东西。当然,有的创业者认为我就是学别人成功的企业就行了,市场大得很,我们自不愁没有市常其实大凡在市场有明显成功者的时候,说明这个市场已经近于饱 和,进入了发展期的后期与成熟期,离衰退期不远了,能在这个市场成为成功者的企业,都有其明显的优势与核心竞争力,你一个初创企业,在某些方面可能很不 足,比如,你有资金,但却没有技术实力,有了技术,可能员工缺少经验,有了经验,可能市场已经不好进入,或者是成本过大没有进入的必要了,要知道现在的很 多成熟市场都是资金密集型或是技术密集型了。这个时候,你一定要理性的考虑。
C、当老板的经验。会当凌绝顶,一览众山小,当老板在山头,是江的入海口,创业者到此,一下子视野开拓了,这个时候,也最容易没有了方向。所以我赞 成创业者最好不要从一个普通的工作人员直接跳到创业的状态(我这里说的创业是指成立公司制运营的创业),要有一个过程,如做做经理、副总一段时间,这样更 有助于创业者的创业。很多老板原先是市场人才,也有很多老板原来是技术型的,这都无关紧要,关键是你要掌握当老板的主要工作是管理,而非让你去做好一件事 情,如打一个单子,写一段程序,也许这是你以前最精通的,但创业后,特别是有了一定规模后,管理应该是你最精通的。你选择当了老板,从此你就与专家的名义 绝缘了。这时你要学会把握事情的本质与企业的命脉。也许有很多创业者说,我看过很多成功者的故事或是书,有很“丰富”的经验了,但我告诉你,错了,因为理 论是用来指导实践的,你没有去实践,没有通过过程的掌握与运用将那些理论的东东变成你个人,你读得再多也没有用,另外,很多成功者,他们的成功都是很个性 的!他们的成功是因为他特定的环境、创业者特定的性格及特定的历程而决定的,在商场风云变幻的今天,很多成功的案例是不具备可模枋性的,所以我建议大家, 看成功方面的书与听成功者的故事,一定要学到他们创业的心理意志与心理历程,而不是他们创业的具体流程,因为那是不可直接copy的。所以经验的获取只有 一个途径,就是实践。书本存在的唯一意义是启发。
哲学有二对范畴是绝对与相对、运动与静止,说的是没有绝对的真理,只要相对的真理。用在创业上也可以给我们很多的启发,它告诉我们,要使用动态的角 度去思考创业,如你在事先思考你的企业的定位时,你可先依托你以往的经验与领域而订,当你来到手一份还发着油香的战略书时,你千万别认为这个东东就是你企 业20 年不变的信条了,社会在发展、信息更丰富、资讯的传播与碰撞越来越快,这个时候,我们要学习小船的竞争力—-好调头,在理性的状态下,我们要学会变,从创 业的量变到质变,所以面对创业者静止去看待企业的状态,我的观点是“在这个世界上,唯一不变的就是变!”。创业者,一定要学会勤于思考,总结与计划,只有 这样我们才能立于不败之地。
决策,就是做决定,没什么大不了,在你理性的制度了你的规划、时间表之后,就请不要考虑得太多,直接决策即可。有很多创业的朋友,我赞成他们在做出 创业决策之前的慎重的态度,是的,创业要考虑的事情很多:从此无法再等每月那天的工资了,从此得依靠自己赚钱了来养活自己及那群跟着自己干的人了,也许从 此每月的账单都怕见着了……但我不赞成,在理性的思考后,认定自己是适合于创业的朋友,这个时候,所要的就是魄力了,“风萧萧易水寒”,创业是激发自己的 潜能,向自己的挑战,真正的创业者就怕没有困难,有了困难更能磨练自己,更能干成大事,所以创业,定了就干!!
你怕了?不,我没怕。创业者在创业之初要有勇往直前的精神面貌,但也得理性得考虑到后路与退出机制。因为,任何投资都是有风险的,这是一条真理。所 以在开创自己的事业之前,我们要尽量多想可能出现的坏情况与坏的一方面。在想好自己的退出机制以来,集中所有的精力开创属于自己的事业。
我下面做一个比喻:创业如同建大厦地基是创业者的资源,只有资源全部打稳打牢了,企业才能生存与发展;钢精骨架是企业的核心竞争力,没有骨架,企业 就会面临着倒塌的风险;砖瓦是执行,没有一点一滴的执行,创业的大厦永远都无法入住与峻工;资金是建筑设备,没有建筑设备,你也能建起来,只不过慢些,有 了它,你可做高楼大厦,一句话,少不得;建筑设计图纸就是创业企业的商业计划,没有它,大厦无从科学的建设;施工机制与管理体系就是企业管理制度,没有 它,创业企业只是一盘散沙;最重要是什么呢?我看是人。是执行者,是创业者,没有他们,一切无从谈起。
其实一切都无所谓,重要的是你自己。因为只有你自己才能创造,才能去改变,才能去克服重重困难,而做为一个创业者,最最核心是状态是什么呢?我看是 主观能动性,即自我意识、创业意识与坚定的信念。你自己的力量是无穷的,这可是证明,因为人类从一个不起眼的小动物,将地球改造成今天的样子,这说明了这 个道理。我认为,只要创业者能坚持,并能懂得思考与执行,他终将成功。
Entrepreneurs should have the experience of nine
08月24, 2008 - by Murong Dayi
1, Who are you »
Entrepreneurs often do not know, who we are - you want to do » You for doing » What are your resources » Business entrepreneurs must clear before all of you, and you pursue entrepreneurial goals before there are still divide the number of « How many difficulties » For the consultant to a number of entrepreneurial advice in the process, we encountered a lot of entrepreneurs, or a web page production division, or a just graduated from the clerk, or a wealthy family, Xianggan event of the unemployed. They did not know their actual circumstances, because of a creative, a friend suggested that, even based on impulse, vowed to venture into XXX (usually super-successful venture). Therefore, we propose to prepare the venture will certainly have to understand that a friend who you are.
2, entrepreneurship is what »
I write this topic, some people may think that I am here Jiaoqing: how entrepreneurs may not venture what is it » Kazakhstan, I want to say is that we are a lot of business with a friend based on impulse, a very good idea, or a sum of money has started regardless of all the business on the road. What is entrepreneurship » It is a systems engineering project, when the boss you have to take into account human, financial, goods, import and sale, of, competition, market segmentation, targeting, management system, financial control, the exit mechanism, a series of budget and other matters in Venture early, perhaps even you in the wrong location, you will be doomed to failure as a boss, you doomed loss of several million. Here, I do not wish to emphasize the difficulties of entrepreneurship, I just want to tell business friends, is a risky venture, you need to be rational in the face, is the need to help your team spirit.
3, you have to prepare what »
Venture to a friend, must be one or more of the hands of a great grasp of the material or spiritual wealth, but it is not enough, you also think about what is not much you familiar with. A friend asked me yesterday, the venture should be prepared for what I summed up the cursory, the first entrepreneurs to venture in preparation for the following:
A, adequate and of the project. Your business plan is a comprehensive and feasible, the best experts and consulting with financial experts recognition.
B, a clear business scope and core competitiveness. This means that the positioning of a problem, your business is doing, your business competitors compared with the similar, what are the very core, others not able to do things. Of course, some entrepreneurs is that I learn other people on the success of the enterprise line, the market very large, since we have no worries about the city often did not actually All those who have attained significant success in the market when that market was already near saturation, into the The late period of development and maturity, not far from a recession, can become successful in this market businesses, has its obvious advantages and core competitiveness, you a start-up enterprises, in some areas may be less than, for example , Do you have money, but there is no technical strength, with technology, staff may lack experience, with experience, may well have entered the market, the cost is too great or no access to the necessary, to know that many of the mature markets are Is capital-intensive or technology-intensive by. This time, you have to rational considerations.
C, when the owner of the experience. When will Jueding Ling, the public list of small mountains, when the boss in the mountains, is Jiang's mouth, this entrepreneur, has opened up all of a sudden vision, this time, most likely not the direction. So I am in favour of the entrepreneur's best not from an ordinary staff directly to the state of business (start-up, I said here refers to the establishment of start-up company operating system), there must be a process, such as recreating manager, vice president for a period of time This also helps entrepreneurs start-up. Many of the original owner of the talent market, many are the original owner of the technology, which are irrelevant, the key is you have to master when the boss is the major work of management, rather than allow you to do one thing, such as playing a list, A section of written procedures, and perhaps this is you have the most proficient, but the venture, especially after a certain size, management should be the most proficient of you. When the boss of your choice, with experts from you on behalf of the insulation. Then you learn how to grasp the nature of things and the lifeblood of enterprises. Perhaps there are many entrepreneurs that I have seen many success stories or books, there are "rich" experience, but I tell you that wrong, because the theory is used to guide practice, you did not go to practice, Not through the process of the master and use the theory of those who will become your personal Dongdong, you have not read a more use addition, many successful, their success is very personality! Their success is because of his particular environment, entrepreneurs in particular the specific character and determined in the course, the changes in shopping malls today, many successful cases is not available to die of Fang, so I suggest you look at success The book and listen to success stories, they must learn entrepreneurial will and the psychological process of psychological, rather than their specific business processes, because it is not a direct copy. Therefore, the experience of only one way to get that practice. The only significance of the book is enlightening.
4, to the point of view dynamic entrepreneurial
Philosophy has two pairs of areas of absolute and relative, sports and static, said that there is no absolute truth, as long as relative truth. With the GEM also gives us a lot of inspiration, it tells us that we must use dynamic entrepreneurial point of view to think, as you advance in your business thinking of targeting, you can rely on you to past experience with the field set, When you come to a hand also in the strategic oil-book, you should never think that this is your enterprise Goodies 20 of the same creed, social development, more information rich and information dissemination and increasingly rapid collision This time, we have to study the competitiveness of the boat - a good turn around, in a rational state, we have to learn how to change from quantitative change to qualitative change in the business, entrepreneurs still face look at the state enterprise, I am of the view that "In this world, the only constant is change!." Entrepreneurs, we must be diligent Institute of thinking, summed up with the plan, the only way we can be invincible.
5, to use much of the decision not to »
Decision-making, is making a decision, no big deal, in your rational system of your plan, timetable, please do not consider too much, to direct decision-making. There are many business friends, I agree with them in making business decisions before the cautious attitude is, the entrepreneurs have to consider many things: not to wait another month from the wages of the day, relying on themselves to make money from this in to support the And the group with their own stem the people, perhaps from this are Pajian month bills with a…… but I do not agree, in rational thinking, that is suitable for their business friends, this time, is to be Courage, "Feng Xiaoxiao Yishui Han," is to stimulate their entrepreneurial potential, to their own challenges, the real entrepreneurs not afraid of difficulties, with difficulties in their own more and more capable as important, entrepreneurs, will be On a dry! !
6, to his left behind no »
You afraid of » No, I'm not afraid. Entrepreneurs in the venture should be the beginning of the spirit of courage, but also a reason for taking into account the posterior and exit mechanism. This is because there are no investment risks, this is a truth. Therefore, in creating their own careers, we think it might be as many as possible in a bad situation worse with one hand. In our own wish to withdraw from the mechanism, all the focus on creating their own cause.
7, we rely on the strength of
The strength of the greatest team, because no one is perfect, there are deficiencies, through collective cooperation with the team, will be complementary to achieve good results, thus reducing the maximum degree of personal weaknesses of each team and to promote the merits.
8, an analogy
Below I do an analogy: Building business as entrepreneurs is the foundation of resources, only a steady lay a solid foundation for all the resources, enterprises can survive and development; fine steel skeleton is the core competitiveness of enterprises, no framework, enterprises will be faced with The risk of collapse; brick is implemented, not bit by bit the implementation of the venture's building can not stay forever with the completion; funds are construction equipment, no construction equipment, you can also build up, but more slowly, with it, You can do high-rise buildings, a word, Shao Bude; architectural drawings entrepreneurial enterprise is the business plan, without it, no scientific building blocks, construction is the mechanism and management system of enterprise management system, without it, start-ups only tray of loose sand, the most important What are » I see in people. The implementation, the entrepreneurs, without whom all be out of the question.
9, the most important thing is……
In fact, everything does not matter, it is important to you. Because only you can create, in order to change in order to overcome various difficulties, and to be a entrepreneurs and the most core of which is state what is it » I see is subjective initiative, self-awareness, awareness of entrepreneurship and firm convictions. Your own boundless power, this is proved, as a humble human beings from animals, the Earth will be transformed into today's appearance, which explains this truth. I think that as long as entrepreneurs to adhere to and to understand the implementation of thinking, he will eventually succeed.

Tags: Entrepreneurs should, 创业, 创业者, 慕容达意

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