





发表于 2010-7-20 10:40:15 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
富人和穷人的12个经典差异  The rich and the poor of the 12 classic difference

  Written by  on 2008, November 5, 1:12 PM. 商业智慧 Business Intelligence
穷人:喜欢走穷亲戚,穷人的圈子大多是穷人,也排斥与富人交往,久而久之,心态成了穷人的心态,思维成了穷人的思维,做出来的事也就是穷人的模式。大家每 天谈论着打折商品,交流着节约技巧,虽然有利于训练生存能力,但你的眼界也就渐渐囿于这样的琐事,而将雄心壮志消磨掉了。
穷人:是颗螺丝钉。穷人因为自身的卑微,缺少安全感,就迫切地希望自己从属并依赖于一个团体。于是他们以这个团体的标准为自己的标准,让自己的一切合乎规 范,为团体的利益而工作,奔波,甚至迁徙。对于穷人来说,在一个著名的企业里稳定地工作几十年,由实习生一直干到高级主管,那简直是美妙得不能再美妙的理 想了。
穷人:经典观点就是少用就等于多赚。比如开一家面馆,收益率是100%,投入2万,一年就净2万,对穷人来说很不错了。穷人即使有钱,也舍不得拿出来,即 使终于下定决心投资,也不愿冒风险,最终还是走不出那一步。穷人最津津乐道的就是鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡,一本万利……但是建筑在一只母鸡身上的希望,毕竟是那样 脆弱。
富人:富人的出发点是万本万利。同样的开面馆,富人们会想,一家面馆承载的资本只有2万,如果有1亿资金,岂不是要开5000家面馆?要一个一个管理好, 大老板得操多少心,累白多少根头发呀?还不如投资宾馆,一个宾馆就足以消化全部的资本,哪怕收益率只有20%,一年下来也有2000万利润啊!
穷人:没有激情。他总是按部就班,很难出大错,也绝不会做最好。没有激情就无法兴奋,就不可能全心全意投入工作,大部分的穷人不能说没有激情,但他的激情 总是消耗在太具体的事情上;上司表扬了,他会激动;商店打折了,他会激动;电视里破镜重圆了,他的眼泪一串一串往下流,穷人有的只是一种情绪。
慕容达意      http://7798.org
穷人:有个故事,一个富人送给穷人一头牛。穷人满怀希望开始奋斗。可牛要吃草,人要吃饭,日子很难。穷人于是把牛卖了,买了几只羊,吃了一只,剩下的来生 小羊。可小羊迟迟没有生下来,日子又艰难了。穷人又把羊卖了,买成鸡。想让鸡生蛋赚钱为生,但是日子并没有改变,最后穷人把鸡也杀了,穷人的理想彻底崩溃 了。这就是穷人的习惯。
富人:买名牌是为了节省挑选细节的时间,与消费品的售价相比,他们更在乎产品的质量,比如会买15元的纯棉T恤,也不会买昂贵的莱卡制品。 7798.org
The rich and the poor of the 12 classic difference
1: self-awareness
The poor: few think of how to make money and how to make money, consider themselves a lifetime on the way, do not believe there will be any change. The rich: the heart of hearts believes that he was not born to be done for the poor, but rich people do, he has a strong sense of making money, which he has the blood of the things that he would leave no stone unturned to make their own enrichment.
2. Leisure
The poor: at home watching TV soap opera for the plot was moved to tears, but also follow up on TV in their own fashion.
The rich: the market run away, even if they did not forget to play golf with the project contract.
3. The circle of communication
The poor: go like poor relatives, the circle of the poor are poor, and between the rich and exclusion, with the passage of time, become a state of mind of the poor state of mind, thinking of the poor has become a way of thinking and doing things out of that is a model of the poor. We talk about every day of discount goods, the exchange of skills in conservation, although the viability of the training will help, but your field of vision will be gradually limited to such trivial, and will spend out of ambition.
The rich: The most like to make the kind of help that they have to upgrade their capacity to a variety of friends. Pure laissez-faire is not only their own personal preference, to make friends.
4. Learning
The poor: learning a craft.
The rich: the management of school.
5. Time
The poor: a sufficient time to enjoy the people, will not make big money and leisure to more easily lose money. The poor are not worth the time and sometimes redundant, I do not know how to pass, how mixed up it does not bother. If you can buy a pound of cabbage because it spent more than a dime and get angry about, not to waste one day and heartache, and this is typical of the thinking of the poor.
The rich: a person one way or another to make money, Qian Zheng, whether a small, to have accumulated over time. The play is a rich work, there is a purpose. The idle rich, free of the body, self-cultivation, which will benefit future battles, the head never idle; the poor free, free in thought, his hands are busy, busy to go more Ma Jiangzhuo to touch a few.
6. A sense of belonging
The poor: The stars are screws. The poor because their own humble, and the lack of a sense of security, eager to subordinate its own and relies on a group. As a result of their bodies to the standards for their own standards for everything in line with norms for the benefit of working groups, travel, and even migration. For the poor, in a well-known enterprises work steadily for several decades, the interns had been senior director of the stem, then that would be a wonderful wonderful could not the ideal.
The rich: those groups are usually the leader of the rich, on the one hand, they impart to the poor: Unity is strength, if you do not subordinate themselves to this group, you do not is that Yiwenbuming. On the other hand, they never stopped recruiting and training new people, so that you can always be replaced.
7. Investment and treatment of wealth
The poor: the classic point of view is the same as trying to make use of. For example, opened a noodle, the yield is 100%, into 20,000, 20,000 a year on the net for the poor is very bad. Even the poor have money, but also want to show that even if finally decided to invest, do not want to risk, or get out of that final step. The poor the most talked about is the Jisheng Dan, a chicken egg, but ... ... lucrative construction in the hope of a hen who, after all, as vulnerable.
The rich: the rich starting point is 10,000 million profit. Museum to open the same side, rich One would think that a plane carrying the Capital Museum is only 20,000, if there are 100,000,000 capital, does that mean we have to open 5000 noodle? To be a good management of a large number of owners have Parade heart, tired of the number of white hair and root it? Investment than hotels, a hotel is enough to digest all of the capital, even if it yields only 20% a year down there are 20,000,000 profit ah!
8. Passion, we can stem into a major event, first of all have to look at passion
The poor: There is no passion. He always step by step, it is difficult a big mistake, it will not do the best. No passion can not be excited, it will be impossible to work whole-heartedly, most of the poor can not be said that there was no passion, but his passion always in the consumption of too specific matters; pay tribute to the boss, he would excitedly; discount stores, and he Will be excited; Pojingzhongyuan on TV, his string of a string of tears streaming down, and some of the poor is a feeling.
The rich: "songbirds Hongguzhizhi know?""Will be with the nobility, Ning even there?" Have the passion, the poor will not the poor! Is a passionate nature, is a symbol of life, with passion, have a spark of inspiration, have a distinct personality, have a strong influence in relations, and the only solution to the problem and methods of charm .
9. Self-confidence
The poor: the poor through self-confidence of the armed to the teeth, there should be a senior and wearing the famous brand of luxury accessories in order to give them more self-confidence, self-confidence of the poor is often not the same sense of the natural and natural.
The rich: Li Ka-shing in his secret operation, said: "In fact, nothing special, good years, not over-optimistic; bad years, not over-pessimistic." In fact, is a rich, unique self-confidence. Self-confidence can not be swayed by outside forces, self-confidence may be the right decision.
Murong express http://7798.org
10. Habit
The poor: there is a story of the rich to the poor of a cow. The poor began to struggle with high hopes. May want to graze cattle, people have to eat, very difficult day. As a result of the poor to sell cattle, bought a few sheep, eating a remaining lamb in the next life. Lamb has yet to be born, the day also difficult. The poor sheep also sold to buy into a chicken. Jisheng Dan want to make money for a living, but the date has not changed, the last of the poor chicken was also killed, the poor ideal of complete collapse. That is the habit of the poor.
The rich: It is an investment expert said that the success of the rich is: no money, no matter how difficult it is not to spend their savings and investment, so that the pressure on you to find new ways to make money to help pay off your bill. This is a good habit. The formation of character, habits, habits of success.
11.'s Network
The poor: Internet chat. Chat poor, the poor first time, and the other is the poor mouth can not be born idle. Rongrubujing pay attention to the rich, the gentle, called virtue, the virtue of patience in order to big tree deeply. On the poor could not care less, the others being looked down upon all day long, all covered with a trivial, useless how much gas ah, do not talk about the trip? Chat right!
The rich: the Internet looking for investment opportunities. Rich Internet, the use of more cost-effective network to find more investment opportunities and projects to facilitate the use of their own business in the past.
12. Consumer spending
The poor: to buy brand-name in order to experience the satisfaction of the most just like to test out of fashion products, I believe your natural is good.
The rich: buy brand-name is selected in order to save the details of the time, compared with the prices of consumer goods, the more they care about the quality of products, such as 15 yuan will buy the cotton T-shirt, and will not buy expensive products Leica. 7798.org

Tags: 穷人 富人


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