




他为什么富有,你为什么穷。Why do you poor, why he is rich

已有 1302 次阅读2009-3-9 16:15 |

他为什么富有,你为什么穷。Why do you poor, why he is rich


为啥在同样的环境中,有的人穷,有的人却相对富一些呢?我们是这样分析,人与人之间最根本的差别不是高矮胖瘦,也不是单眼皮和双眼皮的问题,而是知识、性格和思想。 你呢,你觉得你什么方面比较富有呢?








    一个收破烂的人,能够想到不仅是拾,还要改造拾来的东西,这已经不简单了。改造之后能够送到科研机构去化验,就更是具有了专业眼光。至于600元的化验 费,得拾多少个易拉罐才赚得回来哟,一般的收荒匠是绝对舍不得的,这就是投资者和打工者的区别。虽然是个拾荒匠,却少有穷人的心态,敢想敢做,而且有一套 巧妙的办法,这种人,不管他眼下的处境怎样,兴旺发达那只是迟早的事。



    穷人最津津乐道的就是鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡,一本万利……但是建筑在一只母鸡身上的希望,毕竟是那样脆弱。在渐渐成熟的商品社会,利益平均化,经营理性化,一切 都趋于平淡,哪有什么一夜暴富的好事。一切都得渐渐积累,而穷人既没有原始的资本,又没有经营的经验,致富还特别心切,步子慢一点就颇不耐烦。不耐烦就容 易冒进,冒进的结果是好人牺牲,敌人高兴,你那点可怜的资本,几下就玩完。结果穷人的一本万利,最终演变成了一本一利,甚至是一本无利,还是好梦一场。









    舍不得孩子打不着狼,舍不得鸡肋也是干不成大事的。当然,孩子舍出去了,也不是就一定打得着狼,失手的事完全可能发生;舍去了鸡肋也许最终并没有干成大 事,甚至真的连光骨头都没得啃了,这也有可能。不过只要你相信人的能力是在实践中锻炼出来的,多一些经历,无论如何总是好的,至少对提高个人素质有用,那 么你就会觉得,你在走着,在向目标接近,总比原地踏步好。

 民间有一种捕猴子的办法,在一块木板上挖两个洞,刚好够猴子的手伸进 去。木板后面放一些花生,猴子看到花生就伸手去抓。结果,抓了花生的手紧握成拳头,无法从洞里再缩回来,木板成了一块活生生的枷锁。猴子就这样紧紧抓着它 的花生,被人轻而易举捉去。可怜的猴子!它之所以这样,是因为它太缺食物,把食物看得太重了。穷人的状况也往往如此。




Why do you poor, why he is rich

Venture in China Editor: Why in the same environment, some people poorer, some people do some relatively rich » This is our analysis, the most fundamental human difference is not height Pangshou, Dan Yanpi and Shuangyan Pi is not the problem, but knowledge, character and ideas. You do, you feel that you compared with what it »

     The quality of the creation of wealth

     Most people's eyes, Shi Polan must be poor, Xiangkao Shi Polan become a millionaire is almost day to Yetan matter. However, some people really done.

     Shenyang Shi Polan to have a living person, named Wang Honghuai. One day he Tufaqixiang: at a Yila Guan, earned only a fraction of money. If it melted and sold as a metal material, can sell more money and more » He therefore Jiansui to an empty cans, stuffed into a bicycle bell covered, Ronghua Cheng size of a silver-grey metal nail, and then spent 600 yuan in the Urban Institute to do the testing non-ferrous metals.

The test results come out, this is a very expensive aluminum-magnesium alloy! At that time, the market price of aluminum ingots per ton in the 14,000 to 18,000 yuan, and each air-Yi Laguan 18.5 grams, 54,000 is a ton, this Suanxia Lai, sold After the melting of the material than the direct selling Yi Laguan June 7 times to earn money. He decided to recall Yi Laguan melting.
     From picking up Yila Guan Yi Laguan to Lian, a study, and he not only changed the nature of the work done, so that his life took another path.

     In order to receive more than Yila Guan, he prices recovered from a fraction of money to each corner of each quarter, the recovery will purchase price, and the designated locations printed on the card to all Shou Polan peer distributed. A week later, Wang Honghuai riding a bicycle to designated locations a look, saw a large truck waiting for him in the car with all the air Yi Laguan. On this day, he collected more than 130,000, almost two tons a half.

     To provide him with Yi Laguan counterparts, still Xiewan goods and Qushi their ragged, and Wang Huaihong has completely changed.

     He immediately organized a renewable metal processing plant. Within a year, processing plants with an empty Lian Yi Laguan to more than 240 tons of aluminum ingots, three years, earned 2.7 million yuan. He from a "scavengers" jumped for millionaires.

     Shou Polan a person can think of is not only pick up, but also to pick up the transformation of things, it has a simple. After the transformation of scientific research institutions to be sent to the laboratory, they are a professional perspective. For 600 yuan for the tests, picked up a number of Yi Laguan only earned back yo, to the general shortage Carpenter is absolutely could not bear, that is, investors and employees the difference. Although Carpenter is a scavengers, but few poor people's mentality, to think Ganzuo, and a clever approach, such a person, no matter what the current situation, that prosperity is only a matter of time before.

     The poor Yibenwanli

     Even the poor have money, but also could not bear out, he always afraid of flying money and time to return to the poor, even if finally decided to invest, do not want to take risks, ultimately Zou Buchu that step, or firmly holding their own The money is equivalent to earn less.

     The poor is the most talked about Jisheng Dan, eggs, live chickens, but Yibenwanli…… building in the hope of a hen who, after all, is so fragile. The merchandise matured gradually in the community, the average interest of the business rational, everything tends to dull, how can there be any night暴富's a good thing. All had gradually accumulated, while the poor do not have the original capital and no business experience, particularly anxious to get rich, slow down the pace on the very impatient. It is easy Maojin impatient, the result is good Maojin sacrifice, the enemy happy, you point the poor capital, a few on the Wan Wan. Yibenwanli the poor results, eventually evolved into one of a benefit, or even a non-profit, or good Meng Yichang.

The starting point is the wealthy 10,000 million profit, on the basis of this, if not done well, may be a benefit only 10,000, if done well, may also be 10,000 Yili, not a word of this is not acceptable.

     The poor could not bear chicken ribs

     Many people would like to become rich, he is not not know how to do, but not really to do it. Always have too many worries, to face the many uncertainties, he do not want to 10,000, the total think about the event, Yue Xiangyue terrible, numerous results in the possibility of such hesitation and waiting come to naught .

     People in coping with life in danger, often relying on experience and instinct, not thinking will be able to make a choice. For example, you will not stand on unstable stones, will not be in the hands Shenjin fire. The reason why this, because you had a painful experience, a lot of blood in childhood lessons. Fall in the same place www.chuangyezg.com situation is very little, Tang Guo a hand you do not go playing with fire. Failure is a valuable experience, it will be people experience and become smarter.

     Do not make mistakes terrible, terrible fear of making mistakes

   Many people are worried that venture failed, also lost the existing stable income, ran the Touji As the saying goes, not pitting one m inverted.

     The so-called stable income is a lot of obstacles to movement, as if life's chicken ribs, in the final analysis or reflect a lack of confidence. The vast majority of people, can only rely on salaries will never meet the basic requirements of life. The reason why your boss-employed, not to let you Fada Cai, nor is it to you and common prosperity, and if he can not dig the remaining value of your zero-employed.

     So ultimately, to create their own happiness, and had to rely on your own

     Dabu Zhao wolf could not bear children, chicken ribs are also reluctant to stem the fragmentation event. Of course, children from the homes, nor will certainly play a wolf, completely missed what may occur; chicken ribs may be rounded down to the final and did not stem a major event, or even really not even a bone-gnawing, and this may also . But if you believe that human capacity is in practice tempered by and a little more experience, in any case always good, at least for raising the personal qualities useful, then you will feel that, you walked in, close to the goal of total Better than marking time.

  People to have a way to catch the monkeys, a board-dug two holes, just enough for the monkeys to hand Shenjin. Wood behind the release of some peanuts, peanut monkeys on hand to see Quzhua. The results, grasp the hand of a peanut hold a fist, not from the hole again retractable, the wood has become a living shackles. It was so closely monkeys抓着its peanuts, were easily Zhuoqu. Poor monkey! It is the case, because it is too lacking food, the food seen too heavy. The situation of the poor are often so.

     What is the poor Zuique » Is money! Lack of money to the poor suffering, money has become the focus of life, into a huge temptation, he can not not valued. However, the concern over money, money outside the capacity of neglect things, results from the poor little, lose a lot.









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回复 李莎 2009-3-18 15:59
The choice of industry experience in entrepreneurship sk

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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